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The Flex.org Beta

I got an email from a friend telling me about the flex.org beta. As I can't keep up with the Flex category on MXNA anymore, I must have missed the news that this was out there. I haven't seen much discussion on this, so perhaps it isn't widely known.

It's a lot better than the old flex.org, which I think we've all grown to ignore. It's simple and looks like a much better place to point newcomers to Flex.

Comments (8)

Careful Brian, breaking stories like this might make you a journalist ;)

I'm glad someone did! I was told it wasn't ready to blog about it yet, but it looks ready to me.

Yikes! Ok, so I had no idea that it wasn't known. Now I just blogsearched for it and see that there aren't any references to this.

Ryan, I don't think I'll ever be the ever-prolific, breaking-news blogger like you. :) The person who told me just told me in passing and didn't tell me about any blogging restriction.

Sorry Adobians... I hope the pages are all done. I can't really get rid of the info, now that it's on MXNA. If anybody wants me to get rid of the link until things are tidied up, just email me.


Don't worry about it. We don't mind :)


Thanks David. Looks like it's now fair game for blogging Ryan!

Why is this hush-hush? Isn't the site is well known and used by the Flex community?

Nat, check out the first link in the post. It points to a subdirectory on the flex.org site which is the beta for the new flex.org.

OK, OK, It was me who told Brian about flex.org/beta. But I got to know in flexcoders. http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/message/69418
where Mike Potter is asking for feedback.

Heh, and I wasn't going to divulge your name Oscar! :) I assumed that you heard from Sam or Keith, so it's good to know the info really was out there already.