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The Launch of Flex 2 And Beyond

Flex 2 is out. You can download Flex here. The pricing is the same as many had "guessed" in the past few days. I'm very excited about the pricing model that Flex is going with even if it means that, as a SDK team member, I no longer work on a product that makes money!

I had a sabbatical set up long ago and ended up missing some of the end game of development. When I got back to work, things were quiet. Too quiet. There were fire drills and small fires, but none of the explosions I've seen in the past. That's a great sign for all for a release involving five products, three development offices, and no choice but high quality (as the player team is a bit of a stickler on this).

So what is the development team up to now? Many of us are taking time off, nursing our wounds, and having some beers. We're also starting side projects, looking at those bug queues (or rather management is), and working on the things that were put on the back burner. I've heard of a couple of interesting projects happening on the compiler and data service teams. So enjoy the Flex 2 and Flash Player 9, but we're not done yet...


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» Flex2 - Flash Player 9 - Cairngorm - Flash Professional 9 AS3 Preview from Another Web Programmers Blog
Adobe hat am heutigen Tag ein Release Feuerwerk gezündet. Neben den offiziellen Releases für Flex2 und den Flash Player 9, ist auch noch das Cairngorm Framework und ein Beta Release für Flash Professional 9 (Codename: Appolo) erschienen. - Flex2 ist aus [Read More]

Comments (2)

Really great news I was wondering how much it was going ot cost, and am glad it is still in my proce range.


I've thrown together a Flex support forum over at www.flexforum.org.

There are a couple of articles and such, and I'll be glad to help with any questions you guys might have.


Erik Pettersson,