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Ask Steven Webster for Adobe At Your Doorstep

Ok, so not at your doorstep, but at your next conference's doorstep. I noticed in a post on flexcoders.nl this comment from Steven Webster:

"What are the advanced topics you would look for in a Flex conference ? There is an army of Adobe Consultants - some of whom spoke at MAX, but more of the places were given this year to the community speakers - who are ready, willing and able to deep-dive into Flex discussions, whether it be architectural, component-level, inspirational user-experience design talks or deep-dives into things like messaging with Livecycle Data Services. If anyone has an event where they'd like advanced (or even introductory) level Flex talks, then drop me a note and I'll do my best to ensure we can provide speakers from the field to these events.

If you ask us, we will come."

So Steven, I'd like to formally invite you to the Brightcove Scotch Drinking Night In Boston, which involves Cairngorm-loving Brightcove employees and scotch. No? What if there were conference t-shirts? :) Did I mention the scotch?

More importantly, I see that Steven announced a code-coverage tool that Alex Uhlman is working on for Flex 3. I was hoping that the profiler meant that a code coverage tool was coming, but I never guessed that it would be this quickly.